Limitorque actuators are a well-known name in the world of flow control. For more than 85 years they have been transforming actuation with their “torque-limiting” design. Today, they offer heavy-duty electric and pneumatic actuators as well as gearboxes and controls.
Flowserve Limitorque products help make valve control easier in ways as diverse as the applications in which they are used. Whether you need an electric actuator with the strength to handle 2224 kN (500 000 lb) of thrust, a fluid power actuator to deliver 300 kNm (221 270 ft-lb) or more of torque or a sophisticated control network to precisely orchestrate hundreds of valves, you will find that Limitorque products make the task easier.
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Flow Control for a Broad Range of Applications
The Limitorque product range includes actuators that can be controlled from customers’ motor control centers to electronic actuators that can be remotely controlled field devices.

Key features & Benefits
Limitorque actuators provide customers with a reliable brand they can turn to when they are in need of a safe, robust actuation system for their application.
- Automation advantages, including cylinder-operated fluid power actuators along with Limitorque’s unparalleled range of heavy-duty electric actuators
- Greater operating efficiencies that range from control room performance sequencing and continuous process optimization to configuration of ESD (emergency shutdown) situations and SIL-rated safety for both electric- and fluid-powered devices
- A full suite of digital network protocols delivering visibility of databases and diagnostics compatible in either electric- or fluid-powered actuators